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When is it acceptable to put down engineering morals?

We previously have talked about engineering ethics and morals but in what situation would you deem it acceptable to disregard those given morals? 

Ethics and morals are very important in our culture as it is the basic values and principles that make things run smoothly. Ethics is important with all of our organizations, whether financial, medical, legal, religious or social. Ethics is what gives us security, realizing we live in a country we can choose from. Ethics' position in our culture is very important because it has great impact on today, as well as on the future. We need to know about good ethics as it influences our decisions, makes us who we are and decides our future. Ethics is about human behavioral laws. For better understand human nature, we research ethics, and to find out what is the best way to promote the kind of moral behavior we want to see in others. Ethical principles can differ, depending on culture, politics, and economics.  

Having ethics and morals is important throughout society and even as a engineer, however sometimes society dictates these ethics or morals even if you are right or wrong. I believe given the situation if it calls for extreme measures to not disregard your morals or ethics as it plays a big role in what type of engineer you are aiming to be. There are many types of situations where it is considered justified to throw away these ethics or morals, but does it mean you are doing the right thing. Like creating a nuclear bomb to end the war quicker, create artificial babies only to be experimented on or used as organs, its justified in a sense, but is it truly necessary and right.

Ethics and morals in engineering are important as they help keep a safe environment for everybody in the workplace and allow everybody to be comfortable. In the case that conflict arises we will be able to come together and resolve the issue without causing further problems at the moment or in the future. It would be difficult to find a situation in which it would be acceptable to disregard our morals and ethics. Unless it is an extreme case or occurrence happening at the moment, there are not many situations in which it can be deemed as acceptable to take such measures.


I have learned that it is important to determine which method of online teaching works the best for the student. If online schooling works for that particular person then by all means go ahead. I also learned that communication and organization is key in teaching, so that way if a student is confused, then the teacher can help him/her with the problem and the student can gain knowledge from that .  As an engineer you need to have morals and ethics that any regular person should have when going into a workforce. But depending on the person, putting aside personal morals just to complete a certain task can make a person hesitant to give up those morals so that way he or she can become a better person and get the work done.

When talking about morals and ethics in engineering I see ethics as rules of conduct that are based on societal norms while morals are internal principals that are based on the individuals beliefs. Ethics seem to be more in line with what most professionals including engineers consider as they follow legal guidelines, on the other hand ones morals may conflict with the ethics that are placed by society. As an engineer these situation may arise where you may need to put your personal morals aside in order to fulfill a task with specific guidelines. In conclusion, there isn't a simple answer (to me anyway) about a situation where it would be acceptable for an engineer to disregard his morals as ethics and morals vary between person and cultures. 

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