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I learned how important it is not to take things personal with co workers and how to communicate with exceptional results


You cannot take things too personal, because we have to remember that we are all the to do a job. Alot of individuals take their jobs very seriously, which everyone should, so when things don't go as planned they get upset. I know personally, when I am given a task I give it 300%, and nothing less. So, when things do not go as planned, I get a little bummed. I do understand though, that I have to seperate that from my coworkers, because they do not have any control over my success or failure.

I also find that I can not take things people say at work personally. And That when see someone not working as hard at their portion of the task to not take it personally, maybe they have a different approach, mine is to give it my all. Not everyone works that way. Some people think they can just "get by" and do less work.

I find that when a team is working effeciently together, you don't need to manage as closely as suggested. There are many issues that may make a team member less responisive and taking it personally would just exacerbate the issue. However, I agree that all team members need to participate and do their assignments to be effective.

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