How Do You Learn Best?
Describe your learning style. How do you think it matches with what you've learned about generational learning styles?
The Generation X description fits me perfectly.
I work hard, have clear goals, I'm flexible and I need feedback. I also picked a career which allows me to manage my own time and solve my own problems. As I interact with the Millenials I will be recognize how important technology, resources and constant positive reinforcement is to them.
Hello Melissa. It's great you found a career that matches your Gen X attributes. Using the knowledge of the different generations you certainly can adapt what you do to connect with your students.
I found that the the Generation X learning style fits me perfectly, but I am a Millenial.
Interesting insights, Elizabeth. What specifically is it about the Gen X learning style that resonates with you?
I learn best when I am shown something, and am later allowed to do/apply the concept myself in a hands on type of setting. I have always done better in areas that require technical skill as opposed to those areas that require memorization. Since I learn by doing, I have always learned concepts better which involve actually doing something.
Great awareness, Josh! Sounds like you have a kinesthetic learning style/preference. Knowing what your preference is and being able to identify and adapt to another person's preferences is a wonderful way to improve your connections with others.
I learn best from my students every day they have different terminology of the words they use helps me to understand there way as they call it
It's great to see that you feel that your students offer you the opportunity to learn something new on a daily basis, Marlene. How do you utilize what they teach you in your interactions?
I fit best with the Baby Boomers, I learn best by seeing and inter- acting, I am a hard worker, optimistic, believe in self-improvement and growth.
Excellent insight, Himberson. Thanks for sharing. These are all positive traits and it sounds like they work to your advantage. I'm curious, how do you adapt your learning style to someone who is different?
I learn by inter-acting and seeing I would consider myself Baby Boomer.
Patty, tell me more about how visual learning helps your absorb information. I am curious what you find useful.
Dr. Jean Norris
I learn best by having someone show me first the proper way to do the task at hand, then myself going and doing the given task.
Great insight! This is commonly called a kinesthetic learning style, you need to do it or touch it to learn it. Knowing your learning style is the first step in facilitating your own learning.
Dr. Jean Norris
I learn best by first watching a demonstration then applying that information, but I also learn well by reading the information. I'm definitely a blend of the Baby Boomer and Gen X-ers. I like to work independently, so my job also fulfills that requirement. I work independently on the administrative end then work with the staff on student matters. I like to receive feedback often and take in the feedback best in a shorter, more concise manner. It's been a good fit.
Judie, these are great points and it sounds like you fit well in your role. How will being aware of this information help you connect with more students?
Dr. Jean Norris
When I can talk with prospective students or current students about my learning style and then have a conversation with them about their learning style, it opens up a new way to identify and communicate with the students. It makes it more personal. And, when we know more about our students it makes it easier to work with them if they're struggling in any one particular course.
Judie, thanks for sharing this. So it sounds like you will share your personal experience in order to build a connection with your students. If done in a sincere way, this will certainly gain relationship equity and help you move into a stage where you can share your opinion with your student.
Dr. Jean Norris
I learn best by actually seeing a demonstration, a lecture with notes, or actually being in a classroom setting. It is harder for me to personally take information in when there is not a form of authority present. I enjoy learning in an actual classroom setting versus online.