Your Team Role
What type of team member are you most like? How would you like to improve your team role?
I believe that I am most like a "Resource Investigator". I develop contacts in my department and I am outgoing and extroverted in my communication with others. I am familiar with the people that I meet daily. I work with contacts to build a stronger relationship with other companies that can assist our organization. I would like to improve my team role by creating different databases to organize my contacts. I want to be more innovative to develop my responsibilities and succeed in my position with my company.
Hello Christine. Based on your response, my guess is you certainly will succeed in anything you do! The desire to be proactive is a wonderful asset. So I'm curious...what's stopping you from creating the databases to organize your contacts?
im a shaper, thats what i would call myself, i like to put plans together and see that they are carried out, plus im one of the only people in the company that do what i do, so im at the forefront of something new for this particular company.
Hi Michael. Your particular role sounds very exciting. Do you think it's a match for your skill set,too?
Yes it definitely is I love interaction with people and I like to help others so Its a good fit
Sounds like a perfect fit then. My guess is you have a lot of energy that you put into your work with others which may be a direct result of organizational "fit". Wonderful that you found a career that aligns with your preferences and style. Continued success!
I believe I am a Completer Finisher. I tend to be a perfectionst with everthing that I do in work and out of work. I am a very orderly person and it helps within the team. As a completer finsher I make sure that all projects and assistments are completed and neatly organized in a way which the entire team can understand.
It sounds like you have an eye for the details and like to make sure all the I's are dotted and T's crossed, Katie. I'm sure your team appreciates your organization and attention to detail. Have you ever found this to be limiting and if so, how have you adjusted your approach?
I would consider myself as a shaper and one of the things that I feel in need to improve on are my consideration for other team members.
That is great awareness. It sounds like you can see your strengths and opportunities. I am curious, now that you are aware of this trait, what are your plans for improvement?
I would consider myself a Team Worker. Whatever needs to be done within our department to reach our goals I am willing to do.
I also see myself in the Completer/Finisher team role. A hybrid between the two would best describe me.
I would like to improve my role within my team by being more decisive on decisions I think will imrpove our department.
That's a great combination, Jason. I'm sure those who are part of your team appreciate that fact that you'll pitch in and make sure the job gets done! Knowing that you'd like to be more decisive when it comes to making decisions, what specifically might you do to help improve those skills?
I think I am a shaper I like putting things in action and seeing them carried through it fits me well especially when the students have a problem I know where to send them using school resources as well as the outside resources I like helping people
Wonderful awareness, Marlene. It sounds like you consider yourself an important resource at your school for your students. I also get the sense that you do your best to add to your resourcefulness based on what you hear from your students and what they need. Helping your students shape their futures and put those plans into action can be extremely rewarding. Keep up the good work.
I am more like the shaper, I like to see my team member really putting all there efforts into there work and most of all seeing it finished we have a great team.
Thanks for sharing, Himberson. It sounds like you appreciate collaboration and seeing the team work together to accomplish your goals. I wish you continued success in shaping your team!
I am more of an implementer. The ideas and goals that are set forth buy management or a group I usually put into action. Starting the process is a task I often find myself in.
So it sounds as if you are the one to get things going. Good for you! How does this knowledge help you and your team?
Dr. Jean Norris
I love to help people and always find a solution for their problems. I would like to improve my communication skills.