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Carlos, This is an interesting situation. What kinds of questions would you like to be asked?
Dr. Jean Norris

What are you doing now for work/school?
What do you like/dislike about your current job?

Why are you interested in massage?

Why is this a good time for a career change?

What qualities are you looking for in a school?

Will you be able to commit to our class schedule?

LeAnn, Open ended questions are great to gather information. Why questions can sometimes put the student on the defensive, so how can you reframe your why questions so they are not potentially putting the student on the defensive?
Dr. Jean Norris

Have you had any previous experience?
Have you taken any related classes?

These are good however is there a way to expand these into open ended questions vs. yes/no?

Dr. Jean Norris

How long have you been thinking about Massage Therapy?

What got you interested in the Massage Therapy field?

Are you friends and family supportive of your new career choice?

Where can you see yourself working as a Massage Therapist?

Gambel, All great questions, open ended as well, so the student can expand. Nice job.
Dr. Jean Norris

What makes you feel this program might be for you?
How did you become interested in this program?
Did you hear that there is a shortage of workers in the field you are investigating?
What type of work are you doing presently?
Have you ever taken an online class?
Do you know anyone currently in this field?

Rose, Thank you for posting. I'm curious, can you tell me more about your question "Did you hear that there is a shortage of workers in the field you are investigating"?
Dr. Jean Norris

I can't answer that question without giving away the identity of our school. I believe we are to remain anonymous. Correct?

Rose, Yes, it's best to remain anonymous. However, will all of your favorite questions to ask give your school away?
Dr. Jean Norris

What was your favorite job

What is your motivation for making this change

How long have you been considering this change

Who is your support system

What motivated you to call today? What is your previous education?

Juan, Good questions! What do you do with the information that comes from asking these questions?
Elizabeth Wheeler

how long have you thought about changing careers?
what do you like to cook? do you have any special recipes?
how do you think your life will change once you have become a chef?
Are you excited to take this to the next step and see if we a are a good fit?

Barry, Great questions! Do these questions get you all the information you need about a student?
Elizabeth Wheeler

What prompted you to pick up the phone and call today?

Tell me about your educational background.

Are you making this decision alone or is there someone helping you make this decision? If so, who?

I think each question should build on the previous information shared unless the question seeks to gain new and important information.

NaTesha, Great questions! Do you find the student is willing to share a lot of information?
Elizabeth Wheeler

What would graduating from college allow you to do in the future?

How long have you wanted to to do this?

What type of things have held you back from pursuing your education?

Who is the one person that would benefit from you receiving a college education?

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