We are now issuing press releases every month which is helping our publicity efforts - especially online. We need to establish boards and/or committees.
Any suggestions on starting small with this and ideas to get going...?
Hi Holli, Great that you are sending press releases each month. It's good to keep in mind that news releases have to be interesting, informational, and factual. Releases about events usually have to follow a format set by the newspapers. As to advisory boards and committees - we suggest that you first decide who you want on each board. Do you want just employer representatives? Do you want campus wide representation and input? etc. Then put the word out that applications for each board will be accepted and credentials reviewed. Make it an honor to participate on each board. Be sure the first meeting is short and business like and of course include food. Follow up meetings with emailings, blogs, chat rooms, etc. You'll eventually get just the members you want and need. Good luck, Susan