This is an absolute must in today's society. Please not ignore this important step of marketing. We rely on our website heavily - without it, we would be nowhere.
HI Alberto
Websites are a great way to promote schools. We suggest that information is included to answer most questions posed by students. Also, suggest that every page have a link to contacting someone at your school. Usually prospects want instant information. Including a link to your catalog provides prospects with all the info they need and helps to save postage.
Best wishes
Hi Carleen
Sounds like your school has a lot working for it. Websites are a great way to attract quality prospects. The trick is to respond immediately, engage the inquirer, respond to questions, and get potential students into your school quickly. Plan outbound email campaigns to reach your students, prospects, employers, and more.
Best wishes
Hi Steven
Some schools may want to test the waters re websites. But the fact is, this is an Internet society so it is almost imperative for a school to have a website. The question is how fancy and flashy does it have to be? For most schools prospective students just want the information and to get a quick response to their inquiries.
Best wishes
a simple and inexpensive way to test the need for a website is to begin with a company like "GO-Daddy". This can give you needed feedback without the expense
I am having a Web site designed as we speak. I love the idea of people from all over being able to see and read about our school.
Is there any one thing that you could suggest be in it. This is my first one.
Theresa Najemian
Hi Karen
Most school owners that have effective websites will tell you that they can generate a lot of quality leads from the Internet. Suggest you take a look at websites of similar schools and your competition. Ask youself - is the website user friendly? Can you find what you are looking for easily? What is missing that you wanted to know? Can you contact someone at the school easily?
There are many excellent webdesigners in most communities I'm sure you can locate someone who can assist you.
Once you have a website be sure your admissions people know how to use it. Emails have to be responded to immediately. Information has to be clear and of course there should be a lot of followup.
Best wishes