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Remember that networking is a powerful tool. Just by communicating with my students, I learned that one student's husband was just starting out in web design. We not only have the opportunity to work with an enthusiastic designer right out of school, we also get a great break on the price.


Great idea. Points to several lessons. One is not to count on one source for what you need. There are probably better sources available if you look. Also students and alumni can be great resources. It is vital to keep up with alumni. They can tell you about jobs where they work, what they are doing when you need to collect placement information, and help out in any number of ways. Thanks, Susan

Dr. Susan Schulz

Yes, I found out that one of my student's husband had a sign company and we had tried in previous years to get a banner made for career fairs with no success from our printing company. So we decided to jump ship and try him out.....he gave us a great price and two great banners. It is good to find out who your students know and or what there past professions were as they can help you out!

HI Andrew, Great example of creating student involvement and getting the word out about your school. Students tend to stay in school when they have strong relationships and connections. So it's great to plan activities where students have the chance to "work and play" with faculty, staff, and fellow students. There are many volunteer projects that students can staff and help to improve the community where they live. Thanks, Susan

We do the same. We teach medical programs. The last job fair we attended our "Student Ambassadors" were taking free blood pressure readings. This helped to generate interest at our booth. The students also feel more a part of the school and this supports retention. They also get to practice what they learn in a real world setting. Lots of benefits.

Hi Jessica
What great ideas. Student "ambassadors" are a great concept. YOu can use them on campus to help with admissions. Also have "seniors" talk to students in beginning classes. Great idea to use the talent of your staff. You may be surprised all the skills they have to offer when staffing a booth, etc. Just ask them.
Great, Susan

Our school's target are adults. Special events such as Business Expo, Fairs, Conventions, etc. are a very important part of our Marketing Plan. When I can, I invite students to join me in these events.

It is great because they are like student ambassadors. They give excellent testimonials about our university and prospects can relate to them.

It also works to have something interesting going on at your booth. For example, at a Community Health Fair, I took our University Counselor with me. She had a simple stress test she will administer to people and she would give them suggestions on how to deal with stress. People loved it and once they finished the stress test I was there to tell them about our programs.

Very good, Christine. Successful marketing and publicity is finding every opportunity to get your name and offerings out in front of qualified leads. You are reaching people who are prospects for all your programs. You are showing people that you are a great resource for many of their needs. The best students or customers are those that stay and use all your services and offerings and refer others.
Great, Susan

Many companies that manufacture medical equipment sponsor training seminars. We have found contacting these manufacturers and asking to allow us to make a short presentation about our school a good avenue of leads. Technicians who use this equipment need to be trained and certified, we just happen to provide this education. We take a position of being there to help them through regulatory and certification requirements (soft sell).Provide a benefit to others and they will benefit themselves and you through their enrollment.

Hi Susan,

Yes, we always make sure we have signs posted all around the school. That way, they tell their friends and that is simple networking at its best!

HI Ailen
Great idea. Sounds like you know your ideal student. Targetting is the best and least expensive marketing strategy. Do you let your students and alumni know that you'll be at these events?
Best wishes

Ocassionally, we will have some staff set up a tent at random events where the perfect crowd of targeting attend. It is very effective and we get our information swapped when every one is in a good mood because of enjoying the event.

Hi Patrice
Great. YOu might want to contact someone from UAW and similar organizations and find out how you can give presentations about your school offerings or go to career or information nights to speak directly with employees. Networking is about finding one person who can get your message out to hundreds. So, where else in your community can you find them?
Best wishes

We have placed a free add in a local UAW news paper that comes out twice a month and we have had several hits of the add.

I need information about your enthusiastic designer. please

Hi Marci
Great points. Community relations is a great way to let everyone in the community know about your school. Memberships, participating in community events, and also visiting prospective employers are just a few easy ways to gain community recognition. Often better than expensive ads that might be seen once and then get thrown out.
Best wishes

Membership in local business organizations, talking to people around the campus and reading the local newspaper are all great ways to get more information as well as give some information. I'll say it again, our referrals convert at the highest rates.



Networking is a great way to reach your entire community. You can tell lots of people about your school by going to one meeting. If you network with professional associations you can meet people in the industries your programs prepare students for. The idea of networking is to be sure your entire community knows about the opportunities at your school.
Best wishes

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