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Rapport and trust. If the student can trust you they will be able to relate and approach you with ease.

Being honest with the student from the very first meeting or phone call will help them through their career.

first impression is very important. Ensuring accurate information is also key. We must remember that we are in a service industry.

What a huge plus. Being seen around campus on tour, stopping in to say Hi during breaks and participating in student services sponsered activities show we care. Our students love the attention.

Establishing a relationship with the student is crucial to the overall success of the program

I firmly agree with Marilou with being honest from the start.

Absolutely agree with you Kathy! Short-term sacrifices now create a pay-off at the end if the students really gives 100%.

Well said Abel, the students should know we care about them and are here for them and are 100% vested in their future.

Finding a common ground with a student is very important. Communication is key, but you must also be a good listener. Sometime students just want to be heard.

I think that is so true that when you find common ground with the student they dont feel as scared in this new journey that they are going in to.

It is very important to not only to build a relationship with the student, something so little can mean the world to a student. At the we are here for then and to help them get through their aducation.

I agree, hard work will always pay off at the end

Finding common ground is key because it allows the institution knowledge of the students wants and/or needs.

I agree. The students look to us for guidance & often for some security in making their decision.

You make a very good point! A student needs to feel they are important and not just an enrollment. If they feel that they can be honest it will absolutely help them to succeed. We can be part of their support system in a superficial sense.

I agree, understanding the student is key. Like what was said earlier, bringing up their personal lives and making them feel genuinely cared about is a plus.

I agree Hannah! It makes the work place more enjoyable for staff and students.

I think that using our core values as our compass we will always build good repore with our students. We are always complimented when a student refers a friend or family member to attend school here with us. We know that we have made a great connection with a student when they trust us to not only help them but friends as well. I know our campus strives to have positive interactions with people everyday.

We ask them to write "why they chose our school" during orientation on a notecard. If the student starts debating to stop school, we then remind them of the response they wrote at orientation. This helps them focus on their original goal.

Listening to the student needs is vital to the student and the institution success. It’s important to discovery what’s needed to provide assistance.

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