This quote is comprable to providing accomidations because you can give a person all the accomodations in the world, but if they are not willing to do the work needed to succeed, then the instructor or school cannot be held accountable.
Not quite. The idea is that the purpose of accommodations is NOT to assure success, but only access. It isn't that they won't succeed without effort (which, obviously, they must put in). The problem is that they will not have a chance to succeed unless we first provide equal access.
Dr. Jane Jarrow
I feel very empathic for students with a disability. I am very thankful that we have accommodations for these students, however it still is hard sometimes to see them realize that somethings they may not be able to accomplish because of their disabilities even with the accommodations.
There is nothing you can do to make them "not disabled" -- and sometimes students (all students!) need to find out for themselves what they can and cannot do so they can be more realistic in the future. Our goal is to give support but let them try and discover on their own. Otherwise, they could spend a great deal of time saying, "I could have done it if she'd let me!"
Dr. Jane Jarrow
I think accommodations are ways of facilitating success. Without our such allowances no success could be met because, no chances for success would have been given.
I have to disagree. The purpose of accommodation is NOT to facilitate success. They are given to provide ACCESS. If the student has full access, then what they DO with the opportunity is up to them. We HOPE all students will be successful, but it is not our intention to assure that they are. Rather we want to give them an equal chance to show us that they can be.
Dr. Jane Jarrow
i really have not changed my teaching strategies. I give everyone the same attention, disability or not. If some need more instruction i give it to them. Everyone is treated equally
This statement is true as it pertains to higher education. With a special needs child, I expect for the school system to make accomidations to ensure success. As in higher education, we are not holding anyone's hand; access is understandable.
It sounds like you are not teaching "the same to everyone" so much as you are providing instruction "each according to their need". That is pretty much the textbook definition of "just", and it is the Department of JUSTice that oversees the ADA. Good for you!
Dr. Jane Jarrow
I am not sure in what context you are using the word "understandable" here. But, certainly, access is the expectation!
Dr. Jane Jarrow
The quote is exactly what we follow when we come across students with disabilities and are requesting some kind of accommodatoins. However, it seems that some students do not understand this, and trying to explain it to them can be challenging. Last quarter, we had a student who was provided with accommodations, but whenever she did poorly on an exam or assignment, she claimed that the instructor was not giving her accommodations.
When she gets a good grade, everything is fine... when she gets a poor grade, she claims that no accommodations were given. In this case, she thinks that accommodations have to be given until she succeeds, which is the total opposite of the quote.
Unfortunately, what you describe is not uncommon among students who are of traditional college age and have come through the K-12 Special Education system. THEIR system is set up so that they modify things until the student succeeds. That is very different than our system of providing accommodation so that they will have access. The best you can do is keep saying the same (right) things over and over!
Dr. Jane Jarrow
The quote explains well the laws in effect that protect those with disabilities. It tells us very briefly that by providing accomodations to a disabled student does not mean we are handing success to them on a silver plater. We are simply giving them the leg up they need to be at the same level. We are facilitating them to give them access to the same opportunities.
i believe this quote is very accurate, a student with a disability should not be taken by the hand and have work done for them, rather be given the access to help
Couldn't have said it better myself! Good job.
Dr. Jane Jarrow
You are right. We do not want to be advocating for different expectations or lowered standards. We want students with disabilities to meet the same standards we expect of others, and we are willing to give accommodations to see they have an equal chance to do just that.
Dr. Jane Jarrow
Every student should regardless of his/her handicap should be given the same choices as someone who with out a handicap.
That's true. What kind of choices are you thinking of?
Dr. Jane Jarrow
I noticed some participation posts regarding PTSD. I wonder if this is a condition that is claming more and more people. It is my understanding that PTSD does not just happen to individuals who have served in the military recently, but can also happen to individuals who have had other types of traumatic experiences.
You are correct. PTSD can be caused by a variety of trauma (from serving in the military to being the victim of a violent crime, to being caught in a natural disaster, and much more. It isn't the trauma that is consistent, but rather the symptomology.
Dr. Jane Jarrow