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Universal Design

My post in this forum involves the fact that good design, policies, and values benefit everyone. For example, in another post, I related how my accommodations for a visually impaired student helped the entire class. I was also impressed about how UD also is a good idea for everyone. I regularly use the close captioning for things that I may not understood while watching the news, a talk show, or a movie. I am always impressed at how these products that truly increase the access for the disable help all of us in life. At my institution, I know that heavy-set women regularly use the disabled bathroom stalls because the regular stalls are to narrow. I notice that mothers who are simply exercising while pushing their child in a stroller often use the wheelchair ramps. Yes, UD is a good idea for us all!

See? Great minds run on the same track. You recognized the UD usage in your other post as well. Your are right. Everyone benefits.

Dr. Jane Jarrow

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