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I am more comfortable now than when I began the course as far as representation is concorned. I have heard a lot of rumors since I began my employment here about what can and cannot be said to a student. I now think I have a firm grasp on the concept of compliance.

In evaluating the new compliance regulations, I wouldn't necessarily regard them as "tougher".  I regard them as "fairer".  I have been in this industry many years and I have seen many students make poor decisions based on what a "slick salesperson" told them.  And unfortunately, prospective students many times didn't ask the questions they should have in order to make an informed decision.  By requring schools to 1) state only accurate information that is 2) backed up by quantifiable data, both the school and the student wins.  And isn't that the purpose of our business anyway??!!!

Knowledge is power and allays a lot of fear about disclosing the wrong information. The "Doing the Right Thing Courses" has given me a lot of current knowledge and reinforced the knowledge I already had to better serve our students and promote the College's mission and values.

I learned so much from this section i was a little stressed at first but the training wss great.


I agree. I've learned a lot.

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