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Fulfilling Ethical Responsibilities | Origin: CM104

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Compliant Interactions: Acting with Integrity --> Fulfilling Ethical Responsibilities

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

Yes, all information should be clearly stated however, there must also be conversations that have the student repeat their understanding of what has been reviewed.  The prospective student tends to be younger without the experience to ask questions to ensure they understand.

Integrity is one of our Core Values and I have learned or re-learned through this training how imperative this Core Value is to represent our Mission and level of knowledge.  As an Admission's Rep it is my responsibility to display integrity in every conversation and interaction with my peers as well as with my student prospect and students. 

This has been very informative . . I will use this information as I conduct my interviews with my prospective students while using transparency.  I will also plan to be more knowledgeable through the upcoming year of all our policies and procedures to ensure that I am delivering information appropriately. 

Qui Tam action, if a company showcases a pattern of dishonesty and misrepresentation. 

Honesty and integrity are the foundation blocks of a school/institution's admissions department. It's so important to paint a realistic and honest picture of what a student should expect before, during, and after their training takes place. 

I've learned that ethical behavior is foundational to building trust and fostering a positive environment in higher education. It involves not just following laws and regulations but also embracing principles such as honesty, fairness, and respect. By prioritizing ethical behavior and integrity, we can strengthen our institution's culture and ensure that all interactions are compliant and respectful. This commitment not only enhances our reputation but also enriches the educational experience for everyone involved.

Transparency and honesty instill trust and confidence in the school. Students are likely to promote the school in a positive way.

Be honest and upfront with the prospective students especially about financial responsibilities.

Our role is to inform the student not influence their decision by persuasive measures. 

Treat all students and interviews the same, and be forthcoming and honest about all policies and expectations

It is clear that in order to build trust and mainatin high standards we as admission representatives must be honest and transparent in how we deal with students. Not holding back information but informing students so they can make the best decisions that is right for them. 

Honesty is a vital role in Compliance. We must not make empty promises. We must be black and white when explaining processes and policies to our students. We must not make empty promises. 

Once you honest your business and your enterprise will be successful.

Comment on Denise Ramos's post:

I agree with you ,acting with transparency and intergrity will helg you gain the trust from everyone you come across


Transparency and integrity should be taken seriously.

To build trust with our students and to always Do The Right Thing.  We want our students to believe and trust in us.

The old adage "Honesty is the best policy" definitely applies here. Disclose all the facts and let the potential student make up their own mind.

You have to earn the student's trust by being honest, integrous, know what you are talking about, helping them to the best of your ability. The main goal is to help them succeed in life and their investment.

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