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The Impact of Disability | Origin: CM251

This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:

Students with Disabilities: Legal Obligations and Opportunities --> The Impact of Disability

Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.

This section of this module gave much insight as to how to help students with disabilities and a great reminder to look at the individual and what their needs are specifically, not at the diagnosis!

In this module, it was very helpful to review disabilities. Students with disabilities are just one of the things we have to deal with in the classroom. We want to make sure that opportunities are equal for all of the students. Reviewing diablitlies module has been a good reminder of possible scenarios, and the suggestions to accomodate were helpful. 

Students with disabilities are still just students trying to better themselves. Its important to see the person and not the disbility.  We do that by providing accomidation.  Providing accomidation is another way we can show our students that we want them to succeed.

Yes i agree its important to see the student trying to better themselves and not the disability. Then think about how can we help them.

This module reminds us, the instructors that DISABILITY exists among our students - both that may be visible and the one that is/ may not be visible to us.  Our job is to recognize it, acknowledge it, and work with the institutions' administrators and be prepared to accommodate all those students in a "reasonable" fashion and ensure that there is equal opportunity for all students.

This is a very important section what is learning about various disablity including learning disability. We as a treachwer must pay attention to these group of students who need help in learning and we must provide them with support.

Reply to Jennifer Lerette's post:I totally agree with you here Jwennifer and just to add my thoughts to your wonderful post, there will always be a gray area where the judgement of fairness will come to play for us as teachers and we must find that common ground with fairness with disability and non-disability to maje sure we treat everyone fairly and equally with giving any special treatment beyond the threshold set by the laws and institutional rules for providing reasonable accommodation to those in needs (nothing more or nothing less).

I appreciate the micro-definitions provided as some of them I've known only in broad terms or linked to one or more other disabilities.  Remembering the "People First" language places the focus on the individual - not the disability.  This course will increase my understanding of how I can serve each student with a disability.  Much appreciated.

By far the most common disabilities impacting college students today are learning disabilities  or attention deficit hyperactivity disorders , or some combination of the two, is absolutely true in our school. 

This module was interesting because it did not focus on the disability but the student. It stated that disabilities come in different forms, i.e., ADHD, LD, blind and hard-of-hearing students.

Learning about the different type of disabilities was interesting.  ADHD is often referenced in the educational setting, others not mentioned as much are dyscalculia (difficulty with math) and dysgraphia (difficulty with writing).   

This section has helped me realize how others view common challenges that they face. An example is that the wheelchair is liberating not confining.


Students with special needs must be accommanated as needed to insure equal opportunities to learning

This section provided many examples of learning disabilities and ADHD is the most common one. It is crucial for educators to understand each disability and provide reasonable accomendation for the students. 


This section provided helpful information in terms of learning about the vast array of disorders and describing the functional limitations associated with them. Each individual's needs are different, and are unique to his/her circumstances. The shared factor is to identify ways to ensure that all students are provided with equal access to educational opportunities. 

Many disabilities are not easily recognized, such as mental health disorders. Also, unfortunately, students may not disclose their mental health issues or reach out for assistance.


Disabilities are unfortunate, but part of education. We must be cognizant of this fact, know and undestand the laws, and be compassionate to our students while educating our staff on compliance and proper behaviors. 


I think the most important concept in this section is to recognize that even though students might have the same or similar disabilities, their ways of operating or leveling the field, might be different. It is important to ask each individual student what their accommodation needs are, and not just assume that because they have a certain disability that the accommodations are the same.

This section was enlightening to the disabilities that can be "seen". For such a long time, learning disabilities or mental disabilities were fault on the student's lack of want.

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