FERPA Regulations
In my job I always have to be in compliance with FERPA regulations eventhough sometimes it's dificult. For instance, I receive a call from a parent who wants to make a payment on behalf of one of our students who happen to be their daughter or son. I immediately check teh FERPA file to see if I have a release info. If parents is not on FERPA release and asks me how much he/she should pay, I always have a hard time, but I stay in compliance and refere them back to their student as I can't release any private information. Recently our Admissions Department has enhanced their enrollment process by advising students to fill out the FERPA Release Form for the agencies and persons who will most likely inquire about the student. What is your practice?
I think filling out the FERPA release in the Admissions process is a great idea, but is if completed upon acceptance or as a prospect?
I am the Registrar and our process is to explain, at Orientation, what FERPA is. Typically after Orientation we have students sign a FERPA release form with detailed information, "Uncle Jo has access to my finacial records, inlcuding balances of my tuition record", that sort of thing. Students are also advised by our Financial Aid Departement. So the student has more than one opportunity to be advised and ask quesitions about FERPA.
Although it might upset a family member, we always have to have the student in mind. I hope that helps.
I'm very sensitive to keeping someone's privacy safe, and while 9 times out of 10 signing a FERPA with lots of other paperwork is not a big deal, it can sometimes be signed without a student thinking. Relationships change, and you never know if someone really wants you discussing their life with someone else. Working in Student Services, this comes up when a parent is concerned about their child, and seeks information from us. Even with a FERPA, I am sometimes reluctant because you don't know what has changed in the relationship since the original document was signed. I try to keep the student's privacy and safety always in my mind, and always keep in close contact with the student and be up front with them when those situations arise.
During this day and time, you have to keep everyone's information safe. I think it is very important to stress FERPA guildlines to all employers because having access to people's personal information can be damaging if someone abused it. Relationships do change among famiy members and people can be mean and try to do harm to someone's life.
FERPA is a must at educational institutions. To conceal or destroy student information a teacher or administrator no longer needs, shredding equipment is essential. Presently, I have been having a hard time locating a shredder at work.
I am always very diligent in making a prospective student understand that unless he or she puts a person down on the release form, we are not authorized to give any information. This can be a sticky situation for a parent or loved one that is providing thousands of dollars worth of support!
FERPA is very important it help keeps not only the instructors but the students safe as well!!! Very intresting subject
@eshaw : What school do you work for?