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I found the course to be organized and presented well.  I enjoy dealing with a diverse group of students.  The course strengthened my belief in how important it is to present the material clearly, treat each student as an special individual with a name, who is motivated and excited to be in class.  I have used many of methods presented in the course in my past teaching positions and it really makes a difference.

Course had alot of great tips to help deal with stress.  Pay attention to them and it can save you alot of time and money going to a therapist!!!!

I thought this course was eerily spot-on; as a new instructor I have already had encournters with most of the "difficult" students and the classroom management strategies were highly helpful for me and I intend to use them. I have already realized tht the syllabus needs to be iron-clad for due dates, otherwise the students take advantage of loop holes. Overall , the course was very organized and well put together.

This was a terrific course for an instructor to begin their career with or for an instructor with years of experience to compare best practices with. I really enjoyed the informative modules and the way they were presented.

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