Greetings Rosana!
Welcome to the teaching profession! The profession is a very rewarding one. In your post you stated that since taking this course you have really seen some improvements in your teaching. What specific strategies have been helpful to you?
I am so glad that I have taken ED101. I am new to teaching and really appreciate this course content to help me plan and organize myself as an instructor. Since starting this course I have already seen much improvement in my instruction and confidence.
I was so excited to take this course. It is my first time teaching and have struggled that last three months with formats, lectures and creating lesson plans. Surprisingly, I did not realize, I was already applying many of the principles in ED101.
Going through the course not only gave me the confindence to continue, but gave me additional professional instruction that I am eager to apply to my next classes.
I thought the content of this webinar was quite helpful in organizing how I prepare for class instruction. Some theories were common sense, but there were others I hadn't realized.