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ED 107

Getting students to retain information seems to be difficult in our school.  Students seem to be able to test but not be able to retain past that.  Hopefully some of the tips I've picked up will help with this issue.

Accelerated learning is something that, in the past, has been somewhat confusing to me and many others in my field. There has been a lot of discussion over the years about what it is and what it isn't. This course was refreshing, in that it clearly describes and defines not only what accelerated learning is, but how to implement it to get results.

Recently I have changed from teaching in the classroom setting to teaching in the clinical (field) setting.  Any suggestions on how I can put the many things I learned from ED 107 into this type of setting?

i love these courses. I apply these techniques immediately after finishing the course. Thanks


I always try to make reference (whenever is possible/applicable) to past lessons to ensure they don't forget the material  .Whenever l am lecturing something that I can apply past lectures I will say ""let me pick your brains" and that get them very excited because they can continue using what they've learn in the past and they get even more happy when they get the right answer and makes the more confident in their capabilities.

This was a good course.  It helped me to gain a better understanding of how best to ensure that my students are getting the material and concepts presented

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