Time Management with Challenged Students
Time management can be difficult in basic classes where students are having difficulty mastering the material. I find this is true often in my grammar classes. My students tend to freak out and think they will never master the material and think I am going too fast. I often have high expectations of what I think they can do. After teaching this class a few times though, I find I have to meet in the middle - sometimes I have to bridle my expectations a little and push them a little more.
@clairebates :I find it a little difficult working with some students that seem to not want to participate because they feel they know it all. I discovered I am a "Buddy" leaning toward Guide.... I need to become more of a "Controller"... I have learned that this is a way that I do not manage my time as well as I should. I am excited to have this resource!
@clairebates :Hello, I found your post very interesting. I have found that doing an assessment of each student on the first night of class is very beneficial to me. It clearly answers my question to myself - are my expectations too high for this class? From those results, I can fine tune my expectations and make sure that they are attainable for all my students.
By reaching out to students' on the first day of class via email, I request that they contact me so that I can assist them on creating a calendar for their daily tasks and listing a certain number of hours each day to prepare their assignments. Unfortunately, a lot of students' do not follow-up with me during the first two weeks of class. Yet, three-five students' will contact me during the fourth week of class to help them create a calendar to complete a five week course. By students' utilizing their time wisely, they can successfully pass the course.
I have been teaching for 13 years. I am always seeking suggestions with new ways to encourage time management while keeping students motivated. I take attendance at the beginning and end of class. I provide timed "peer group" assignments so students can stay on track. Even though their is a calendar provided where the class choose the deadline dates (within reason,) the biggest challenge are those students who simply lack the motivation..the right attitude to forsee their long-term success.
Great suggestions - I also provide outlines 2 weeks at a time to combat the absent students. For me this year my greatest enemy was the weather and SNOW DAYS!
@clairebates : I also find myself beginning with very high expectations and depending on the students and the dynamics of a given class to change or modify those expectations. It helps me deal with the stress more effectively.
@eugenekwon75 : Time Management is very helpful when planning your lessons, lectures, and activities. its benefitual to all, It makes you less stressful.