I appreciate the opportunity to learn how to interact with all types of students with many different learning styles!
Do you value the experiences of the students (interaction) or do you find the cultural differences to be more fascinating?
Michael Stone
MIchael, I find that an amazing question, I will have to say that I find the cultural differences to be more fascinating. Having had students that range from 18-68... I find that a person not (speaking) or interacting to not be a negative because some listen more and have input at a later time. Whereas the students with cultural differences and learning styles bring a total differnet view to whatever it is we are discussing.
I value the interaction of students, their experiences. The experiences they share with everyone bring to life the cultural differences. Every student has an opportunity to share, compare, and learn the different ways individuals conduct their lives, and learn from it, or some even come to like the cultural difference' and take it on as their own if they so wish.