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In School Placement

We offer placement for students that are in school and need help with their financial responsibilities. We require that the jobs are not related to their training to avoid losing the student. This service can be very cumbersome. Does anyone have a good system that is efficient and does not take time away from graduate placement?

Hi Kelli
Not sure who you will lose the student to. Are you concerned they will not finish the program or that the placement department will not place them in another position.

Seems like placing students in their field of study could be positive. Can increase learning and give them experience for when they seek employment.

Best wishes

I know what you mean - when I place students in their field before they are finished with school, often they quit school because employers provide some training on the job and they lose the vision of going above and beyond that job. I'm trying to provide co-op or paid internship or paid contract type project opportunities for students who need financial help while still in school. That way they know and the employer knows it's temporary. This usually works; and it helps with placement later because the student is developing contacts while out on the project!

Hi Amy
Interesting situation. Here's another idea: When you place students in jobs while in school can you get them to sign a learning contract agreeing to complete and graduate? It's more a psychological than legal agreement. Any experience on the job does help to build resumes.
Best wishes

I will help my students by posting jobs in their major that are temp jobs. I make sure that my employers know that I will not send someone for a permanent position until they are a graduate and also that they will work around the students schedule before I post the position. An employer that you have a good working relationship with, will not take your student, they will want them to finish school. I have had employers tell students that if they drop out of school that they will not be able to finish their employment and may loose an opportunity with that company.

HI Hildie

Sounds like you have good relationships with employers. That's great. Some schools may want to write up these arrangements in work agreements. They are very good.
Best wishes

Thank you-- Most of these suggestions come from my previous experience. I am now at a new college that has not had a graduating class. This will be a great learning experience for me, I have never set up a placement department and made contacts from the beginning. I am excited about all that is in front of me.

Hi Hildie

Looks like you have the opportunity to set up a great placement department and do everything right from the start. How great. Reminder to use all the resources available to you about your community and about employment skills training and placement techiques. Let us know about your discoveries.
Best wishes

PS I believe you have completed requirements for this course so you might want to request a certificate of completion.

Hello Susan:
Certainly, I agree with you. Placing students in their field of study could be positive not only for the student, but also for the school because that place could become a new externship site.
The students could be trained in their field of study, at the same time they will be working in an environment where everything is related to their careers.
Their resumes will be benefited too, because the background experience will much rich and longer.

Hello Maria

Stated perfectly. Student placement provides lots of opportunities such as externship sites and enriched resumes. Also good contacts with potential employers and people who could function on advisory boards and other roles at the school and volunteer at the placement department!
Best wishes

AT our schools we refer them to the local one stop. In Pennsylvania they are called CareerLinks. Every state has some employment agency operated by the state. In addition we have a list of job search web sites and local employment agencies that we give to anyone looking for employment while in school.

HI CArol
That's a good use of resources. We strongly suggest that your school focus on placement as well. It's an every day event that keeps reminding the students that they are in school to learn and prepare to get a job. This requires a lot of employment skills training as well as the usual resume building and interview practice. You have a lot of resources to bring into your school to provide the kind of warmth and handholding that outside organizations can't always provide. By keeping activities within your school you'll be able to follow up and get information about grads' placement to use for admissions and reporting to your regulatory bodies. What kind of stats do the workforce centers provide re job placement success, job retention, etc.
Best wishes, Susan

Hi, Susan
In our school, We have a orientation day biweekly and must of the student attendance at this meeting agree with the placement deparment service. But, there are some students that do not want to receive service from our placement department?. Some student stay that they do not need help from school service because they already have a job. Some of them do not want to change their actual job. So, my question is How I will report these student in the school placement report and What the school should do with those student that do not want service from the school placement department.

Hi Gustavo
Interesting situation. The first task is to find out how your regulatory bodies define placement. Each may have a certain percentage of students that you are allowed to report as - doesn't want to seek a job, already employed, etc. As to other students who don't want placement assistance, I would ask why and see what their plans are to seek employment on their own. And for sure, keep track of all placement results. Good luck, Susan

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