Students who do not want to find a job
Ok, so what do you do with the few students who, no matter what you do to help them, decide that they just are "not interested in working, but thank you for all the training"? Believe it or not, we have some students like that!
Yes, many students enroll with no employment goals in mind. Since you have to report retention and placement, suggest you have non working students sign something to indicate they had no employment goals in mind. Or perhaps they were working and used the training to upgrade their skills. In any case, complete information on file will be vital when your licensing or accreditation board wants to know what happened to grads who are not working.
It is very inportant to have a "Graduate Placement Waiver". It is best to mantain a low percentage of waviers. When ACCET looks at what your doing a waiver is much better than nothing!
So, you're saying that if they express that they do not want to get a job then I should have them sign some kind of form? Does the ACCET really acknowledge that?
Hi Amy
Many regulatory bodies allow students to declare that they are enrolled for reasons other than getting a job. What is important is to check how many waivers are permitted and during what time frame.
Best wishes
HI Richard
True. Again, schools need to determine what percentage or how many waivers are permitted by their regulatory bodies.
Also, it would be interesting to know why students enroll with no employment goals. The information may help with marketing, admissions, or creating other offerings.
Best wishes
That group is my main frustration. Then again, we have a 92% placement rate; so we're doing something right - everyone who WANTS a job has one. It's only the ones who don't seem to want one that I'm struggling with.
ACCET will allow you to use as many as 15% of waivers.
I have always found that you will have students that are not looking for work. They came to school because their parents told them to do so. They came to school because the government will pay child care if student. And you always have those that are lifetime students. I have my students sign a waiver if they are not planning on using the placement department. If you keep track of your waivers and keep it under 15% of total graduates those few people will not hurt your numbers. Also some Accrediting agencies will allow you to subtract those people off of your numbers all together---YOU MUST HAVE DOCUMENTATION SIGNED BY STUDENT.
Thank you so much! We are researching to see what our accreditation board says about it.
HI Amy
You might want to ask the students who don't want jobs what their enrollment goals were. You might make some interesting discoveries. Maybe there are other ways to market your programs.
Best wishes
Thanks Hildie
Great advice. Now a goal is to motivate the professional students to make them productive and contributing. But that's another story.
Best wishes
Thanks for the info. There may be some additional info to know about waivers for each accreditation board.
There is an old saying that I use on my students who don't seem to want jobs. "SECCESS STOPS WHEN YOU DO". For some reason, very soon, there they are at my desk. It works all the time.
Great statement--I will have that on my wall!
Your right--I just knew ACCET because thats who my previous college used. I am not sure about my new college.
Thank you. I don't know why but it works.
You can't help those who do not want to be helped. The best thing to do is to simply focus your efforts on those students who really do want your help. This scenario is more of a win win situation. Fortunately, the students who do not want your help are not in the majority which still allows you to meet your placement quota.
Hi Chris
Maybe a way to deal with unmotivated students is to post placement success for all other students. And make placement services and personnel very accessible. Some students may be shy or may not think the placement services are for them.
Best wishes