The role of the advisory team is one of the most important relationships of the CTE program, mentors are a good tool for incoming freshmen, marketing for our school is an ever changing process.
I will reach out to alumni, maybe have them do interviews-mentoring.
We have a strong advisory board to help us. We also incorperate alumni into our advisory board, as well as having alumni come into the classroom and guest speak to the students (pre COVID).
Having a strong, knowledgeable advisory board can make all the difference to a program. Members included from current students/families, former students, higher education and industry can work together to see the needs of industry, post-secondary education and the students perspective. Former graduates have been able to give the most relevant feedback and suggestions to what students in the program need for skills for industry while relating their educational experience to the needs they found when entering the workforce.
A strong advisory team with former students and parents included is very helpful to see the whole picture
We have been building a strong relationship with all our industry partners. Our partners help us identify new skills or equipment, which will push our students to be better candidates for entry-level positions. It is important to have a strong relationship with as many industry partners as possible.
Although we do not have any alumni on our advisory board currently, I think it would benefit our program to get feedback from these individuals regarding which items in the curricula were beneficial toward the goal of job acquisition and which parts of the curriculum need revision to be more effective tools in the workplace.
Our program is fortunate to have 1 alumnus on our advisory board. We should reach out to other alumni who are in the industry and utilize their knowledge and experience.
Having a strong advisory board including various members helps programs outcomes tremendoulsy.
Collaboration and connection with community parters, program advisory boards, faculty, career advisors, administration, and alumni are all important factors to promote employment/employer networking to increase employment opportunities for students.
This section of the course is a great reminder as to why it is so important and beneficial to collaborate with Alumni and community partners. It expands your employer network that much more for students seeking jobs.
It is very important to engage with your alumni and community. It's very imporatnt to attend your community partners events and show them appreciation for hiring our alumni.
I agree being involved in community networking is important. I also believe in showing appreciation to the employers whom have hired our students and participated in Professional Advisory Committee Meetings.
Being involved in community networking organizations makes the hiring process so much easier. I attend a monthly Director of Nursing meeting that generates a lot of questions and frequently students and graduates are hired because of this.