Developing a Networking Plan | Origin: CS117
This is a general discussion forum for the following learning topic:
Teaching Professional Networking Skills for Career Success --> Developing a Networking Plan
Post what you've learned about this topic and how you intend to apply it. Feel free to post questions and comments too.
I will apply this by determining my networking goals, making a list of my available resources, and follow up, Identify and understand my assets.
Developing my networking goals and plan will be my homework for the next few weeks.
In this module, I learned creating networking goals, defining a networking target, mapping a network, and how to make an professional introduction (aka elevator pitch).
I’m excited to work with students on the idea of inbound and outbound networking. Who do you know in the industry you are seeking (outbound)? And, try finding someone to contact at a company you are interested in and reach out to see if you can make contact (inbound). I think talking to both someone they know and someone they don’t know about their chosen industry will be a great experience.
Opening that initial conversation is key to moving the connection forward and it is not that hard. People like to talk!