I tell my students on the first day of class that any problem they may be experencing, or that may arise, that we are here to help in any way possible. Let me know confidentially, whether in person, or by phone,or e-mail and we'll help them find a solution.
The first day of the course is exactly the right day to reinforce the fact that they are NOT alone in their problems. We as instructors have all been in their shoes at one time in our lives. I tell them they are all "extended family members" and all they have to do is let us know about their problems, so we can help.
Instructors are the students first contact, and we should always be available, and willing to help them with their issues.
Bravo Mr. Wilks! I as well approach this in the same fashion but have not heard of many who are willing to hand out their phone numbers to 30 people at a time. On the first day of class I always hand out my number to the students and instruct them to call me any time if they felt there was something i could do for them. Have had many phone calls at odd hours but in every case i am happy i was able to be there for them and they appreciate that there was someone there to listen.
So many of these students have never been on their own.All of sudden the parents are not there to make decisions, they have to do it.
It is sad to have to learn on the fly.They have to know there is help available.
Thats a good strategy. I let them know that we are here to help not to burden.
i myself do the same thing with students on the first day. I also tell them i myself had a reading disability when i was younger and got help to learn how to read better and that seems to get some of them motivated to get help sooner than later when its harder to pass the course!!!-
That all sounds good but how many students come forward and ask for help.
I feel that most of the time the instructor has to be aware of behavior change in the student and make the first move to find out what the issue is.
i like your idea, however in our organization, it borders on fraternization,
so we don't can't do that