Time time time. From not enough to am I making the best use of my time hear at school,home,work or with my family. Is what I am getting worth my time. Can it transfer to my job choice will it help me make more money, will I have a sense of satisfaction when I complete my asignment or class. These are all things students bring with them each and every day they need to have their decision to go to school reinforced. They need to here good job when they solve a problem or challenge.
Excellent points about 'time'. Not just the time in class but all the other time costs. I have found this is the most 'expensive' for students.
Excellent points about 'time'. You are absolutely correct that they need to have their decision to go to school reinforced every day.
I think that Food rent and car up keep helps or can hinder a students to stay in school or not. working a job to meet there money needs can make them think to just do that job rather then stay in school. I try to show them the end result and that they need to follow there dreams to get that dream job they want
That is an excellent point. Students are distracted by the 'now' needs and a job that helps them meet those sometimes takes priority over their future. It is important to keep them focused on the goal.
A long with the cost of living and very little personal time. I have seen a lot of students get blind sided when they learn that it is just a lot of hard work. I have on many occasions reminded them that they should be proud that they have an opportunity
To succeed when a lot of others could not do what they are doing.
I agree with most of the others that time, money and jobs are high costs of making it through school. I also discuss the use of the food and clothing banks here at school along with the social services that might be available through the state. I think it is also important to discuss personal safety and protecting their property. The loss of expensive personal property can be devistating.
Quite a few of these students are from small rural areas and never think of things like locking their cars or keeping laptops,test equipment and other things that are easily converted to cash hidden if stored in their cars.
Keeping their homes locked if home or not. Chuck Peters
This is an excellent point and one reason why it is so critical for admissions to set the right tone and expectations.
Great points about 'environmental' differences (rural to urban). Those are things that can really throw them for a loop!
In each one of my classes I talk about there personal buget, and how to manage there money. I have had very good feedback from them and make them feel very empowered with there own money. I start the lecture asking if they ever looked into there bank account wondering where there money went....And then I show them.
What a wonderful thing! Yes, empowering them to manage their money is important...while they are in school and afterward. Seems they don't get this anymore!
They all seem to be concerned with food, gas, utilities, rent costs, and general spending money, especially if they came from out of state. I tell them to shop for food wisely and stay away from the "Roach Coachs" and fast food. I also try to get them to stay focused on the future and their goals so they will have a great job and career to help repay these costs.
The expenses that I see is a roof over their head,food and time. We try to help them with whatever we can such as; bringing in food also telling them how to cook so they can get their expenses down.Time management is always hard for them to understand and out living their needs, but we all try to help out as much we can and then some.
Foe some of them they are worrying about making rent for the month as well as car payment and insurance. Some mostly wonder when thier next meal will be.
Thanks Audie Toney
UTI Avondale
It is easy for us to forget sometimes how 'basic' some of the needs are. Students who are trying to determine how to eat or pay rent are clearly distracted.
I think an underrated perceived cost is the time it takes to get to the institution; I have students that commute for at least an hour each way every day and when they say "Great class today!" I know that the perceived value has been attained.
That is a great point. We often don't consider the travel time, which can be considerable. Do you have specific tactics you suggest students use to make that commute time productive?
The most common "costs" that I hear about,
when talking to students are:
Keeping a decent job
Getting enough sleep
Keeping bills paid
Keeping food In the house
Also, during this unstable economy, I may also hear of the difficulties they face, when looking for a job, while they are in school.
Most students are living on their own for the first time, getting their priorities straight is something they need to learn. Wise choices with money is a new concept to most of them. All of a sudden, rent, groceries and other bills must take place over recreational urges. I always encourage them to keep their eye on the prize because it will be worth the sacrifice.
This is an excellent point. Does your institution do anything to help them learn time and financial management skills?