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Let them know that their feelings are normal

When students first arrive at a new school, many of them have just left the cozy confines of their parent's house just a few days before, perhaps for the first time in their lives! It is important to let them know that the staff at the scool are aware of the "butterflies" in their stomachs, and that it is a normal feeling given the circumstances. It should be pointed out that many other students in the room are also experiencing the same feelings as them.


This is excellent...students often think they are the only ones having those feelings. And sometimes, the young students you describe are so excited at first they think everything will be great all the time. After a month or so, they start to hit bottom. This is when it is extremely important for them to know there is a support system.


I know as a grad student I still feel anxious when beginning a new term and think all the other students know things that I do not. I try to let my students know that these feelings are normal and that we all experience similar thoughts from time to time.


It is great that you are also a student...and can let them know this is normal even in graduate school!


Yes I think its vital to students success that we reassure students that their insecurities are amongst many not just them in particular.


Reassuring students, as you noted, is important...we all feel sometimes that we are the 'only ones' who have questions or doubts. It is great that you spend time addressing these.


Also, when you have adult learners who have been out of school for some time they are afraid of new technology and of going back to study mode. You can give them the feedback that they need in how to get back into the swing after being out of school for awhile. Many of the older learners look at the young ones and think they are in the driver's seat but many times in my experience the older learner does much better because they are more settled and have life experience behind them.


You make an excellent point about the technology and some adults feeling apprehensive. We sometimes forget about the technology piece because we use it all the time.

I agree that adult students, once they settle in, tend to do very well. They are more focused as a rule.


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