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I have found that if for some reason the instructor has a confrontation about anything like dress code or a disruptive student, they will not like your stories and get sympathy from some of the other classmates.
As a result, no matter what you do, your evaluations will be trashed.

I have a reputation for real life stories in the automotive field of 50 years. New students from other classes usually ask about them.
We have some good laughs but keeping in mind they have a valid point concerning safety issues or angry customers.

I believe in tis as well, In the Hospitality industry it is often that there aer major screw-ups, What we encourage in the student is not to dwell on the mistake made but focus on what the soulution was.

This type of thing would work well in a discussion area of an online class. I often provide my own answers to the questions to include information about past experiences and watch for comments in their postings that I can relate to in my replies.

This is the only time I feel fortunate to have flunked out of four colleges before finishing my BA and MFA. I tell my classes that I failed college English four times, and that it was only class I failed in high school. Now I teach college English. I can point out that it was my attitude that changed and put it back on them--that their attitude will make the difference between whether they pass or not.


That is quite an amazing story! I am sure it provides some valuable inspriration to your students.


During the program break out session with my students, both the assistant director and myself will tell students our journey through the ranks of the nursing profession and how we were/are adult learners, so we understand what they are feeling and can sympathize with them. I feel that us sharing our personal experience is a positive reinforcement that they are not alone in this.

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