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Putting on your game face.

Each and every morning as I walkk in the door to our institution, I pause, take a breath, then walk into the building with the intention to greet whoever I meet with a positive attitude. And with that greeting, also remind myself to continue this attitude all day. Leave your problems and negative attitude outside the door.

Thanks, Truitt.

A lot of folks have trouble leaving problems and negative attitudes outside the door. What are some specific things you do to increase your effectiveness in working with students who do not leave problems and negative attitudes "outside the door?"

I agree with the positive attitude comes with an effort some days. Students need to see we believe in them, will support them and have time in our day for them. We are modeling how to interact with others in the work place and classroom.

Thanks, Jan.

My first boss in this field told me that we are never allowed to have a bad day because a slight sign of negativity could be the trigger that "inspires" a student to leave before accomplishing his or her academic goals.

I do believe in putting on your game face everyday, but I also believe that students benefit from seeing you cope with a bad day. Modeling how to deal with problems (big or small) with a good attitude can be part of the education our students receive.

Thanks, Veronica.

What do you mean by "game face" as it applies to being a teacher?

"Game face" includes body language and attitude that reflect the positive values we are trying to model. They may include smiles, concer, punctuality, impartiality, openness, dependability, trust.


I agree you need to leave your personal matters at the door. I was in sales for awhile and that is really something you learn. If you bring it to work then it will be very evident to your students.

It's true, people do walk in with the negative attitudes. I work in the office and I have access to their records. Sometimes knowing the history allows me to guide the conversation in a different direction. I also listen to what they have to say and work with the information I have. This puts them in a different position and they see that you're trying to work with them. It can get difficult, but I find working with more and more people, I can "read" people a little better to work to my advantage, and ultimately the student/party involved.

It is all about having a positive mental attitude. It begins when you wake up in the morning and start thinking of all the things you need to do. I tell myself that today is going to be a great day! If you think you can you will.


I great way to look at this might be to change the formula a bit. Instead of focusing on what you "need" to do, focus on what you "get" to do. "I get to go to work and change lives today" may put you in a better mood than "I have to go to work and deal with students today."

Jeffrey Schillinger

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