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I agree with this notion because if one is not known, they begin to fell that they do not belong. A sense of belonging is what keeps students coming to the school an dinto the classroom. One way or another, students need to connect with their school. In my observation, student led and faculty sponsored organizations serve a relatable community for many students.


building community is an essential part of any retention program. Formal organizations are one good way, but it might be more important for faculty members to build communities in their classes as the students master the objectives.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I could not agree more the students feel comfortable, and safe in a community organization

I think we must give the students all the attention they deserve, like for example, showing concern when they had been absent, asking if we can do something to help; in other words, making the student feel important to us.

As a healthcare professional I teach this to students by doing it but then progress to telling them to practice it themselves while caring for their patients. In private practice I consistently have patients thank me for giving them my full attention.


I agree, I feel that it is very important to make students feel that they are receiving attention. I can tell that the students in my program that feel appreciated and loved, work harder to succeed; not just for themselves, but also for their family and the faculty.


The reason many students go back to school is linked to what they want to do for their family.

Jeffrey Schillinger

I agree with this concept. Important elements of the attention=retention equation include approachability and accessability. Both qualities come from being visible with students and involved in the campus community life. As an administrator, the more I am known to students the better I am able to facilitate a sense of connectedness among students; with each other, their faculty and the institution.


Thank you for this post. A key for administrators is to be in classrooms regularly. Lab classes offer a great vehicle for quick chats with students. Letting them explain what they are doing makes them feel pretty good about their choices. I know of one dean who used to pair wit hthe Palcement Director to teach interviewing and resume writing to all students as part of speech and composition courses. This demonstrated an ability to be with students and that the campus works as a team. It was very effective. Other Deans teach lessons in their areas of expertise each term as "guest instructors." Other teach a fll course one each tear.

Jeffrey Schillinger

If we cultivate a sense of belonging with our students, it will also make them think twice before dropping out of school. When they're making that decision of whether or not to drop out, they may consider who they're leaving behind and/or who they're letting down (peers or instructors or staff members they've gotten to know).

Great post, Kathy. I like to talk to my team about finding ways to make their students feel they are a part of something. It is tough to quit something when one feels a part of it.

Jeffrey Schillinger

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