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Without question, I try to be more than just an instructor to my students. By doing so it makes it easier for them to come to me when they have an issue in or out of school.

Students look towards instructors as role models and for guidance to help them reach their goals. Mentoring is the cornerstone of our jobs.

I completely agree with T. Camaisa. I would not be where I am in my career without the help of mentors. I definietly agree with the statement that, "Mentors appear when the students are ready to see mentors..." I was eager to look for help and found so many role models!

Mentoring shows you care about the student. By mentoring you are able to assess whether or not the students are learning. It provides you an opportunity to make a positive difference in a students life and career.


What are one or two of the most important behaviors for a mentor?

Jeffrey Schillinger

I would say you have to model the behavior you expect from the students. It is if you will "walk the talk". As an instructor, be prepared to present, be on time, and be excited about your teaching and their learning. Demonstrate to them that their success matters to you, you want the to succeed. The other important aspect is monitoring. Monitoring, i.e. giving feedback allows the student to assess their progress, and it also lets them know you are holding them accountable for learning the material and progressing as a student. Monitoring also shows that you care about their success.


Great post! Thank you so much for explaining the essence of a good career college instructor.

Jeffrey Schillinger

Oh I totally agree. I think sometimes we as instructors get into that mode were all we see are students that may be struggling or just not putting forth much effort and we do things that are counter productive to getting them on the right track. If we stop and think for a moment, talk to the student and find out what is going on in their lives outside of class, it not only gives us vital information but also makes the students feel like they are wanted and cared for, which for some may be the only place they get that. We do One-on-one meetings with our students once a month to find out how they are feeling and doing in class, if they have any outside issues or issues learning the material. While most don't say a whole lot, we have a few, and it changes month to month, that take that opportunity and talk to us about issues they are having and it has been making a profound impact on our retention.

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