Getting Students Involved
It is so important that students get involved with each other. They may not know another sole, but as an instructor, we have to help them meet people. These potential acquaintences could be a life saver to them to help them study.
Our program here at UTI is to prepare students for the automotive dealerships. It is important for students to learn how to get involved and interact with their peers. Teaching student how to get involved is of the highest importance. In class activity is one of the strongest tool to utilized to get students involved, also placing lab points on class participation re-enforce getting involved.
I usually have the students find five facts about their neighbor, and then I have them introduce each other to the class using the five facts.
I agree people feed off each other and some students need that association and integration to continue. I remember when we had classes during the afternoon from 1:00 - 5:00 PM because it was such a odd time to go to school not too many people would enroll and one of the ongoing comments from the students during that session was I dont like being in class with just a few people sometimes we would have 2 students in the class. Students were even willing to make changes in thier lives and schedules to change shifts so that they could be in a class with more students.
On the first day of class I have all students together and the new ones introduce themselves and the older ones share some of thier classroom experiences. Also we have incorporated in the curriculum actiities and projects where the students have to get involved with thier learning. This create an environment of teamwork, the instructor is not doing everything. They become partners in thier own academic experience.
Sometimes, for introductions, I pair the students off, have them interview each other, and then introduce their partners to the class. This helps them to start interacting.
Awesome. I love the idea of interviewing each other. Do all that you can to help students to relax and fee comfortable.
Dr. B
The instructors and their teaching styles play a big role with students retention, as well as the classroom setting has to be students friendly thus will great help
That is a great idea. I may have to try that myself. This past week was Thanksgiving- and I had my students list 10 things they were Thankful for. It turned into a great discussion. :)
Awesome. I love how you are applying as you go.
Dr. Larry Banks
While reading this forum, I am in complete agreement on the statement that when students feel like they are connected to the other students and the developement of friendships with the students, that they are more likely to be persistant with their education and less likely to drop. The person that they become friends with while in school could be that life saver they need. Also having the instructors make the students feel that they are approachable can help in making the student feel like they belong there.
Yes, this is so important. Do what you can to connect student to student, and student to faculty.
Dr. Larry Banks