ONLINE - Open to Suggestions
Any suggestions on how to build a sense of community in an online program ???
This is very difficult. The very nature of online classes is focused on the individual. I do not recommend "group work" or "group projects" to accomplish much in the way of academic training or to create involvement either. My suggestion is to start a club or organization for students.
There are many ways to help students build a sense of community online. The fact we are together online is what ties us together. We need to capitalize on involvement in chats and working together efficiently in small groups with or without a group project. It would be great if the chats were mandatory at least to view the archives and participate in a forum. I think the discussion boards help connect the students as well. Anything we can do to connect with them and help them connect to each other in positive ways is essential. Clubs are great but most students do not have much time to devote to them. I find that the intructor's ability to connect is probably one of the primary means of retaining students.
We use a discussion forum at my school and it does seem to help. It is required for a grade and sometimes study groups spawn off from it [which we love:)]
This is a major challenge for our school. I would say that our students have no sense of community - and we have poor retention rates. We already require students to post on the discussion board, but I do not think that creates a sense of community. Perhaps if we required group projects that would create a community? I agree that our instructors must increase the amount of time and effort they reach out to students.
Provide some general forums outside of the courses for students to discuss other more generic topics. Build the community within the Learning Management System.
Ron Hansen, Ed. D.