School Social Life
Getting students motivated through school functions designed to bring students together for "school spirit" do encourage students to stay the course
I agree. We have a lot of functions and many students are more than happy to donate their time.
Really connecting to school experience can change a students life. It is our responsibility as faculty to create a welcome environment in our school by providing activities that motivate and inspire.
Absolutely. It is imperative that students be emotionall and socially connected to their schooling. This is a chance for students to build the networks and relationships that will carry them beyond the classroom.
When I first started here 8 years ago we did very little to get the students together for any social events. Now that is very different. We have all kinds of social events that get the students and instructors together for some fun. One thing like is race day at the race track. This gets all involved students and instructors alike. The competition sparks a lot social activity.
Retention and student success has probably improved as well. Employee satisfaction too. Nice to be part of the changes.
Ron Hansen, Ed. D.
We have a cookout after the summer start. This gives the instrucotrs and staff a chance to get to know our new students.
In the fall we have an "amazing race". The stdents have to go to different depts for infromation.
The "Amazing Race" concept sounds intriguing and a good twist on a scavenger hunt.
Ron Hansen, Ed. D.