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Instructors can also share their contacts with Placement folks too. Building the network never stops.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Our placement team is always contacting employers, building relationships with these employers and sharing with us new partners and job postings to share with the students.


Video record the interview and show them. That can be a wake up call.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.


This should be providing decent results for placement. All good stuff.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Our Career Services Director is involved from the start at Orientation, then teaching students about resume-writing and job skills as part of the Business classes. We have career fair events that introduce students to potential employers and acquaint them with what options will be available to them. And visits from area employers are always welcome on the campus.

We do interviewing sessions. The students are interviewed by someone on staff that they might not have had much contact with. We are fortunate to have an area where we can interview and someone can sit on the other side of a two way mirror (students don't know) and watch. We make notes on things we see the student needs to improve on. Most of the time the students are not aware they are doing the things we see.


This is all good. Is your class towards the end of the program or earlier?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.


Sounds as if you get students off to a good start.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Every class of mine meets with the placement department for a few hours to work one on one with them. They work on resume formatting, interview techniques, and job availability. I also have old students of mine come in to speak to my students about what they have done since graduation. It helps them to hear success stories of my former students to motivate them.

In Keys to Success instructors talk about the services available to them.


This is a good structure and leads to success.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Our placement department leads our entire corporation with students placed in jobs. We have many strategies on campus to make our students successful. We complete 10 presentations during various courses about finding a job in the industry. We have job boards on campus. We bring graduates back on campus to talk about their successes and we continualy reach out to students who don't have a job to help them sucure one.


Your placement department should be establishing these contacts. Yet, like you have done here, instructors can help with their contacts and knowledge of the industry.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.


Refocusing the students on the reason they came to the school is a good approach. Having the reinforcement come from Career Services should prove to be positive.

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Our placement department helps students find jobs that are out there, the only down side I see on this is that these people don't know people out in the field and better contact information. I had actually posted a comment on a page on facebook just asking for employers that would be interested in our students and ended up getting over 22 printed pages of contact information for future employees and was told that no other instructor had ever came up with that much information before. As a school we are a team and it can't hurt to even help out the placement department every now and then.

Dr. Hansen, we have paired our career services coaches with students on academic warning to help motivate them to be more successful. The students receive personal career coaching in an effort to help them clarify/solidy their goals / recommit to their education.


Sounds like a good event. Does this occur every term? If not, how often?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

Our placement staff have expanded the job fairs that take place within our school. The fair allows students to be recruited and also shows them how to interact at a job interview. These outreaches have shown a greater responce from the students and motivates them to stay and complete their programs.


Thank you for sharing. DO you see the development of the student in regards to these professional skills?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.


Do you know how often? Do they conduct mock interviews?

Ron Hansen, Ed. D.

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