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There are a series of workshops such as finance, dress, and life skill workshops that our career service team conducts. They also hosts career fairs.

placement initiatives are incorporated into the programs' curricula. We have career readiness courses that all students must take in which they create a resume and work on interviewing techniques. An externship is also part of the program which places them out in the field of study to get hands on experience. While on their externship, they return to the campus once a week to discuss their experiences and hone their skills.

Our placement director is extremely involved in retention. She has implemented a car pool program so that students have an easier way of finding transportation and saving money. She invites guest speakers working in the careers in which we are training students to come to our campus to motivate and inspire our students. She is everywhere always looking for ways to place the upcoming grads and keep the newbies in class.

A Placement Director has a difficult job when working with Massage Therapy students. All the job opportunities in the world don't matter if the student does not pass State Medical Boards after graduation. In that light, our director spends time working with the students on their resumes, interview process, cover letters, etc., and talks about the opportunities available and the many connections she has to prospective employers. However, she cannot assist with job placement until the student has received his/her State Licensure.

They do challenges throughout there stay at the program and they give prizes to get students excited about these events .

we utilize a program named inspire and optimal resume

When placement departments do their job there are good lists of prospective job openings available. Effective placement departments publicize this information throughout the school. If done successfully, your school may be known for its placement success and rates.

Our career services department meet with every student even before they start school. We want them to understand how important it is that they are successful in the classroom. Once in school, career services visits each first quarter class to go over basic life skills techniques and to start the resume writing process. Later in the students' programs career services co-teaches a portfolio class where students are putting together their portfolio, finalizing their resumes and practicing their interview techniques.

In addition, career services has employers come to the campus to interview students, help with mock interviews and to visit the classrooms and give "field updates" to our students.

Our programs are all self paced, so as far as retention all we can do it follow up with the students on a regular basis to make sure they are continuing to work.

We are currently establishing our career services department. I'm very focused on involving career services early in the student's educational experience.

Hi Aimee! Thanks so much for your comments. Involving career services from the beginning of an adult student's educational experience is crucial, particularly since our mission is to train adults in employable skills. Curious, what are some ways that you involve career services early on?

Jay Hollowell

We currently do not have a placement program in place, I do know this is a possibility for the future but is difficult for us now. Working with online career training programs we take in about anywhere from 100-200 enrollments a week with students all over the country and some outside of the US so it would difficult for us to implement this factor of placement. I do though see how this could be VERY affective for retention rates.

Students are given a workbook the first week during Professional Development entitled, "Getting the job you really want". In the work book there are exercises that help them to identify their transferable and job related skills and personality traits. The book is very helpful in getting the students to identify their positive attributes which will help them articulate those positive skills and traits during the interview process. As far as what we could do to improve retention I believe developing a mentoring program would be great. This way they would get support and advice from their peers who may be experiencing similar issues. In doing so the students would feel more confident knowing if they have a problem they can rely on their mentor.

Elizabeth I really love this idea. Could I connect with you to find out more about the workbook? I would like to implement this at our campus.

Hi Aimee,
Sure I would love the help. The book is a great tool. You could reach me at:
I look forward to hearing from you.

Stay in close contact with the student from the time they start school until the time they finish school. We need more student run programs and activities to engage the students more.

Our employment departmentr has job fairs and guest speakers to entice the students with what the world offers to them.

As faras I know they scout out the surrounding area and state for employment.

Our Career Services personnel are part of the orientation process. They place all job openings on the “Career Services” bulletin board.
Many schools do not talk about career services until the last module or block of the students training. My philosophy is career services begins on the first day of class and continues through the entire educational process. Soon I will be asking the CS personnel to make an appearance during each module of training to remind students that there are jobs awaiting them upon graduation. Each month they will talk about a different subject.

I don't think that out Placement department does enough. They go into classes and speak. They also bring companies on site, but I think that is only for interviews.

Our placement department works closely with the students throughout the program. The placement director assists students with resume building and has one on one interviews to help each individual focus the beginning stages of his or her career path. There are many events and opportunities for the students and graduates to begin working in the industry. I think if the database of prospective employers increases, this will encourage students to complete the program and do well in school.

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