This is another great point. We sometimes let personalities and abilities affect our quality of teaching, because of frustration with students. Seeing every student as the same and giving them 100% is the key to successful education.
Give 100% to 100%. Every student is a customer and any customer of any business deservers 100% effort from that business. We are no different. Student abilities and personalities should not affect the quallity of the education we offer them.
if we treat the student as a customer insted of a student they will be more successsfuel
You are correct that sometimes the slower learners have a deeper understanding in the end. In the future, they are sometimes great tutors for others with difficulties.
Each of our students have the potential to live out their dreams and aspirations, however because of past conditioning they may stuggle with accomplishing them. We, as mentors, need to help them see their abilities.
Often I see students that pick up on things fast and sometimes students that are a little slower at grasping the ideas and lessons. There is room for all kinds of learners in their choosen fields. Sometimes you find out that the slower learners may have a deeper understanding in the end because they spent so much time with the subjects. Either way every student is entitled to the same education, and they are our customers.
You are completely correct that it is not for us to decide who will make it and who will not out there. Every student is looking to change their lives and we need to give them our best effort.
It's not for us to decide you will and won't make it out there. It's our job to give every student our best effort and sometimes you get surprised. There are also students we think will be great and for some reason they don't do well in the real world.
We have to realize we are in a for profit situation. The students are our customers and need to be treated as such. If the,I don't care attitude, is present, what prevents the customer from finding somewhere else to go?