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Customer Service - With More than One Customer

As professionals, we need to Provide customer service to customers and partners. Our challenge, that we need to meet daily, is we have multiple customers and partners. The student is our customer. The school is our partner. The support departments within the school are our partners. Like it or not, Accreditation agencies and the DOE are our partners right now. If we work for a private school, the stockholders are our partners as well. We have to meet the needs of partners and customers. However, sometimes the need, wants and demands of those different groups are in conflict with each other. (For example, a student wants an exception to policy…the school wants instructors to maintain policy)

We defintalely need to consider our "partners" our customers. We need to treat eachother with the respect and consideration that we would our customers. So many things fall through the cracks because one person can't go forward with whatever they are doing because someone else did not do their job. If we would put our internal customers (partners if you prefer that term) on the same kind of priority list as we would external customers things would run so much more smoothly.

We should always work together not only as co-workers, but as respectful professionals....This makes the customer experience better

For sure, when the customer or student sees a staff that works smoothly together it helps form there "tool Kit" for there future job placement.

I totally agree! Too often I hear, "That's not my job." Or, "Stop asking me questions so I can do my work," from fellow workers. We need to help each other with the same caring and respect that we show our students. This is teamwork!

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