Customer Service
It is important to make the students realize that as the customer, they are entitled to the training they paid for. The challenge of not accepting the schools position on behavior, dress, and other "rules" is often part of the training. This should be addressed by the instructor at the beginning of a class so that students understand that their decisions to comply or to not comply, are often a result of the acceptance level of the training they seek. This expectation should be made clear through the Vision process to create a self image of the student after the education process and into the professional occupation they are seeking.
I think a great way to address policy issues with students is to focus on how the policy benefits students. My first Dean did this and it made a big dufference. Students would help us keep up our standards because they bwlieved those standards positioned them ahaead of students at other schools when looking for employment.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I also think that explaining to them the importance of professionalism and how that plays into the role the searching for (such as coming in proper uniform)
and then again by modeling the professionalism in all aspects is extremely important to guide the students in the right direction to where they want to do as well.
I completely agree, Jennifer. Many of our students have never been taught what it means to dress and act in a professional manner. The best way to teach them this is to lead by example. We have implemented a more professional dress code at our school for faculty and staff, in hopes that students will follow this lead.