The population we serve
Although we do a lot of "counseling" in this industry, we are not in the Mental Health business. Mental Health professionals deal with much more serious conditions, addictions, etc. that we are not trained to handle. We do however perform more "life coaching" than a traditional higher education as well as academic counseling, but we are not in the Mental Health business by any stretch.
We may in turn do more harm than good if we as instructors attempt to deal with conditions that we are not equipped to handle.
Good point. We are advisors, not counselors. It is a good idea to have lists of community services available to which we can refer students. Some career colleges contract for counseling services.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I agree, we are not trained professional and should refer the students to the proper trained professionals when they need counseling.
I agree, as well. I find that many students are away from home and sometimes begin feeling lonely or disconnected from family. As I get to know them, I find that many of my students (especially former students) come to me when they need someone to talk to or vent to. I'm always available to listen. If they have a serious issue, I point them in a direction that's more suitable to solving their problem.
You make a great point her about a more suitable direction. As much as we might want to try to serve as counselors for our students, the best we can give them is some advise and information on professional resources that may be available to them. Our college contracts with a professional counseling service for our students.
Jeffrey Schillinger
Yes we are not equiped for mental health services, but I do believe sometimes we are the only ones these students have to talk to . If we are paying attention and doing our jobs of being that "MENTOR" then we have gained trust from theses students they know we are there for them and to see them succeed. WE have a responsibility to help them help themselves, this may be a listening ear or to guide them to the correct services need . Students will respond to this if they have built a trusting relationship with you.
Our school has a list of professional resources that are available to our students. We give that list to our students.