The smile and approachable look always gives a great first impression.
A welcoming smile and and repeating their name will always make a good first impression.
Greet them with a smile while looking them in the eyes, repeat their name at introduction and welcome them to the class with honesty. Let them know that if at any point that they have a question, they have your full attention. Make them feel comfortable.
On the first day of class, I arrive early before the students get there so as they walk in I introduce myself to each one. I find out their names and talk with them. I really enjoy doing this.
The first day of class is critical in forming a first impression. You seem to have a good plan for doing this.
This is a great way to show that you care!!!
I like to introduce myself by being honest and straightforward. I also like to explain my work background to all of my students, so they know where I came from. I have been in the industry for a long time, so I like to share my experiences with my students and it really makes a lasting bond. With our similar interests, I feel that my first impression lasts for a very long time, and students remember me.
What is done in those first five seconds can go a long way. Smile and say, "hello, how are you?" Then listen to their response. Ask a follow up question from whatever was going on the last time you spoke with them. There are people that can make others feel like they are the only other person around. It's good to make others feel interesting and important.
I agree 100% and if they ask you "how you are doing" make sure to answer thier question
Speaking in a general sense I believe we can all make a better impression with our students by appearing upbeat no matter what is going on when class starts...Greet the students with a smile and a hello. Dress professionaly and look neat...students take a lot of cues from our body language, not just our spoken words.
I always place the correct date on the board. I list the days lessons, activities, labs etc.
I will often use symbols incorporated with the words listed to express a point and also get the students attention. (an example would be the use of a ground symbol on the bottom of my electrical terms)
Starting off with a humorous line or story can also set the tone for the day.
A quick recap of yesterdays successes can also be a good first impression motivator for the start of a new day. This can help keep a class fresh as time goes on...keep them guessing and on their toes...Always leave them wanting more even first thing in the morning....
At the campus which I instruct, many of the instructors do a meet and greet at the begining of the day at the classroom door. During this time, I and other instructors use this opportunity to form that instant positive first impression every day.
I think body language is very important in first impressions. When meeting a new class, I try to be relaxed, smiling all over, and greet them with a big wave and welcoming words. I want to convey that I am heppy to be with them.
Body language is definately the very first impression!!!
Present yourself in a professional manner, the same way you would want them to carry themselves.
That is a good example of Modeling to your students!!! They are watching you.
Smile and greet at the door on the first day.
I agree we can all make a better impression with our students in several ways. You are doing an excellent job with the presentation to students each morning. A humorous line or story is a great way to set the tone for the day. Another great way to set the tone for the day is to ask students for “great things”. I start each of my meetings and classes with “great things”. Simply ask students to share something great that has occurred in the past few days. You may ask students to write this and keep a journal over the term, but I would suggest that you have a few of the students share their “great things” with the rest of the class. This really set a positive tone for the class.
To smile and great at the door on the first day is important, but doing that every day is just as important. We are very transparent and students can see if we are meaningful in our actions or not.
Warm greeting, Enthusuastic attitude, good classroom preperation, profesional appearence.
That is a great way to make a great first impression.