Making a positive Imapct RT 104
I think one of the best ways to make a positive impact on the student is demonstrating as instructor/teacher your believe in them just as they themselves believe that they will succeed.
The Pygmalion effect, when the beliefs of the teacher impact the performance of the student, has been well researched. We must truly believe our students can succeed.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I agree that informing the student that we believe in them does have a positive impact. I also let them know that I am here for them and to get them to the next step.
Words do not matter as much as actions. What are some things tyou do that show students that you believe in them?
Jeffrey Schillinger
Lead by example... if you want your students to believe in themselves than we as instructors/ teachers need to show the same confidence. Show examples, take interest in the students positive and negative strengths.
Students usually pay more attention to what we do as opposed to what we say. Thanks for reminding us of this.
Jeffrey Schillinger
I truly belief that this helps a student succeed. It is just staying positive and encouraging and they will try and work harder to succeed and please those who support them.
Sometimes just knowing someone cares is enough to make a difference.
Jeffrey Schillinger
This is so important. I was that student that had a lot going on, on a personal level and easily got distracted from school. Now, as an instructor, I can relate to some of my students, and feel that my experience as that type of student has created an awareness in me that can sense and offer extra help when a student needs it.