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Retention is Everybody's Job

As instructor, my job is not exclusive to teaching only.  I also believe that I play an important role in keeping the numbers up.  However, retention to me is not only about keeping students.  It is about keeping students, making them happy and making sure they stay happy.  I have former students who still contact me to tell me that their bosses are impressed with them and they thank me because I helped make it happen.  Then they recommend the school to their friends.  I'm sure I'm not the only one who gets this kind of feedback. 


I also taught in an institution that had to have two graduation cermonies in one day because the place could not hold more than 500 graduates at the same time.  Out of the 500 and so graduates, only a few got the education and training that they needed to keep or at least get a job.  Retention numbers were high because students chose to stay where things were done their way--the easy way.

@Glyvette : I agree with this statement.. Keeping students in class and progressing toward there goals. Is everybody postion..

Retention is important and problems need to be addressed as they occur and not left to work themselves out sometimes.  I tell my students that they are important to me and that I want them to know as much as possible when it is time to sit for boards and to take care of patients and that no problem is too big to evaluate to try to find solutions.  This means involving student affairs, and management in some problems immediately.

Thank you.

@LBallance :it used to be when I started 10 years ago that we were not encouraged to engage with students. This was mostly out of fear of fraternization. Now I believe we have fostered a culture where relationships, the proper ones, are important to establish. It can be as simple as engaging astute not in a conversation in the hallway, or just making small talk in the elevator by asking where they are from. These small relationships can develop trust that can aid in retention. 

@Glyvette : retention definitely gives us the idea if we are doing our job well.

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