Open Discussion
Being a new instructor for theory and simulation has brought much joy, excitement and contentment all bundled together; to share many years of experience with students is beyond words. It has also brought challenges that I could use some input to help resolve. When asked students what part of their clinical experience/s was most helpful to obtaining knowledge beyond the classroom, the response I received from two (2) students was that they would pass on discussion, meaning they did not want to discuss their clinical experiences or what part of those experiences touched them personally in building upon their new-learning practice? When I asked why, they stated because they were told not to discuss clinic with me. Again, when asked who told them this, they would not share in fear of retaliation; one student commented. Any ideas, or suggestions to build repertoire with students who have multiply team players who may be telling students this?
I am also finding students going to other instructors with questions pertaining to topics covered in another instructors' class. How I have handled this situation is first listen to the student's concern and/or question, then ask the student if they have had a discussion with their instructor regarding this topic or would they feel more comfortable taking to me. After meeting with a student, I would then let the instructor know that I had that conversation and what the outcome was so that instructor knew that I was in support of both the instructor and student.
Any input would be most beneficial and applied. Thanks.