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A quick self-assessment

If you’ve just completed a training course, please consider responding to the three self-assessment questions below. Your responses will help you and other participants to get a head start on the transfer of training process.


  1. What have you learned? Write a brief summary of what you’ve learned.

  2. How can you apply it? List one or two ways in which you can apply what you’ve learned in your professional practice.

  3. What support do you need? Identify any support or additional information that you may need to apply what you’ve learned.


@srmeers1 :

1.  I have learned that an index is a number derived from a formula which lends more toward the quantity of students retained instead of the quality which could ultimately effect the numbers overall. 

2.  I am going to appy the effects of a  paradigm which is a model for the students to use and as an instructor I can contribute to that model by applying our school guidelines in conjuction with famalarizing myself with student needs to make a better and lasting retention relationship.

3.  I feel I need the support of the campus directors on how to use the technology or systems we have in place on identitfying signs of possible attrition so that I can intervene hopefully in time before the loss of a student enrollment.

@srmeers1 :We have to realize most of the problems students face with retention doesn't have anything to do with academic ability. Sometimes it has to do with outside influences, child care being the most prevalent at our school. Through our student programs we try and help students access services outside of the school.



@RossDavis :I have learned during my 7 plus years of teaching in a technical college that sometimes even when we use everything we know to help retain students there are some things we just cannot control when it comes to students dropping or going MIA. This is very frustrating for instructors when we are help accountable for retention numbers.

I have learned that we are models and mentors. We model with our lives.  We model professionalism with our behavior everyday.  How we dress,speak, and behave has a great influence on our students.  We are mentors as well.  We are there for our students.  We encourage them in times of difficulty. We do not make decisions for them,but we can guide them.  When I start lecture everyday I will greet them with a smile at the begining of class. I will continue dressing professional. I will continue speaking  to the students and never down to them.  I will be polite at all times.  I will let them know I am availabe if any questions or concerns. At this time I do  not need further support.  I congratulate my school for doing such a great job.  Our school is student friendly and student oriented.  I do recommend our school to have a better Academic Advising Department.  I would recommend to prepare a career plan for each student. The majority of our student population have a family to support,work, and school.  Academic Advising will allow the student to know realistically what classes to take and how many classes to take as well. Hence, this will enhance our retention program.  Thank You, Veronica

I have enjoyed this course. It has been very informative.  Thank You,  Veronica  


I think reviewing the student sevices at the start of each new term helps many of the students who may not have needed them in the past. As the stress of an increased course load catches up to them, they may become candidates for some of the services.

I teach as a technical fasilitator.  It is and always has been hard to get student to come  to class and stay in class.  I do not feel I have gained any tools to help me with this from taking this course.  I even tried to apply some while taking the course.  Sorry.

1. I have learned that faculty can be involved at the beginning of the admission process by sharing information with potential students and responding to their questions. Also, that it is important for current and former students to take part in the Orientation.

2. I can work closely with Admission reps and let them know that I am willing and available to speak with their students.

3. I just need to be familiar with the school's policies as stated in the catalog.

Retention can be a very complez subject dealing with often many issues that may not be related to the school enviroment.Access to local resources that are credable and accessable is paramount.

I have learned about alternate paths to assist with student retention as well as how to make the "first day jitters" seem less overwhelming for the student.

1. The value that should be placed on orientation in helping students adjust to college life thus reducing retention.

2. Taking an pro-active approach in identifying at risk students (i.e., absences, tardy, poor performance, not socialable, etc.) and understanding ways to meet their needs.

3. Additional tools or support structures that can be developed to help at risk students.

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