You are so very right. I too bring industry professionals in through a non-profit org I belong too but it's been really tough getting the students to actually go to these events.
So tough that I have resorted to making the students go as part of their project grade. I've also given it out as extra credit if they go.
I'm now getting a few to actually go to these events and the students that do go seem to come back with a positive view on their chosen profession. I'm hoping they spread their experiences with other students so more will go. I'm still working on it so lets hope it spreads like wildfire.
As for the issue with my students always wanting an A grade for everything they do I think I've come up with a solution.
I teach graphic design so we already do in class critiques on student projects but now I'm going to have the students express what grade they think each project is worth along with the in class critique.
In my world as a graphic designer its very important to get the student to grow a thick skin so they are not offended when their work isn't liked by the ones criticizing it. I teach my students to defend their work but to also be able to take constructive criticism from others. I think letting them put a letter grade to the project when we're doing a class critique will help them understand not everything is worth an A grade.
We'll see what happens but I think this will help them understand it takes really hard work to get an A grade.