I think we all can do a lot more then just say "Hello my name is ".
In my opinion this does nothing to break down the barriers the students bring to school. I like to think we can do this with a more creative flare.
Personally I like to open up the very first day with something funny and then tell the students about myself.
I Then put the students into pairs and they talk and get to know each other. They then introduce their new classmate to the others and share what they learned about them.
Here is a fun game........
I have done this to get the student barriers broken down with each other the first day.
I list about 10 things on the board ex. who has a pet snake , longest time to get to school, largest family size, who has been to alaska ok I think you have the idea.
I then let the entire class loose to chat with each other and try to find who in the class fits the questions I asked. This gets the entire class at a distance of personal space leading to barrier break down.
They are told to chat with as many students as they can before the allowed time has ended. I remind them to switch to keep them moving to more students. I then ask who has the answers to the questions I listed on the board. This is a great way to ingage the class ask questions and begin a rapport with them.
I hope you will give it a try or think of another way to break down barriers the first day of school.