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First off I have and will have more of these types of students, I have tryed several differnt things but mostly I tell them up frount that I'm here to help you to be successful, I'm not here to hold your hand and tell you everythings is going to be great when in reality it's more up to the person. I tell them how some things are in the real world and what may happen even if they don't want to hear it. To some it is a shock and they are in disbelief to others they may have already seen what life is all about. But with them all I'm honest about what I am willing to do for each and every one of them and I think that is why some come back when they are about to graduate and tell me thank you, those students will be very successful in life and I'm prode to have helped them. I would love to be able to reach more but again the student has to be willing to meet half way.

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