Sometimes I feel students generally feel very well about the course; nevertheless, there are ocassions where any given class has interesting lessons, and some that are not as appealing. In the past I have certain students that despite having this positive attitude of enjoying the course, ask me what objective will be covered in the next meeting... I would say 4 out of 5 times the student takes the topic into consideration and may decide not to show up for the next meeting (especially if the current class session maybe has been exhausting.) Often I may believe this is because the student may presume that the upcoming lesson is of questionable importance or maybe finds it better to be read about it and skip the lecture.
What might be a good way for motivating students to willingly attend class, assuming that not every class day is as exciting? (I CAN make them show up if I were to enforce evaluations every meeting and have strict attendance policies... yet I would like the students to actually want to come to class.)
Any feedback or suggestions on this will be of great value! :-)