This may sound off to some, "Easy Student Retension", but if you think about it, really think about it, it should be easy. We have students sign up for classes that we teach. I have work in my profession many , many years and I still love what I do. Now I teach it and have been for 7+ years, so I'm a new teacher to many. I bring excitement, honesty, and field experience, to the playing field. We all have had some poor curiclum to work with, it is presentation skills, and relating it to the field the students will be in, and asking them what thier input is. Let students lead in demos and instead of correcting them as an instructor, ask the group what they think of the process that this group is presenting. Bring the students into the learning process, let the students take some responsibility for their education, let them be involved in what they have chosen as a class. They love this as they feel they are learning by being proactive in the process. Now of course we can't let the class run a muck, we need guidelines, guidance, structure and a formate to do this. Once you try this 2 or 3 times you find ways to keep it interesting, keep students involved and keeps them in the courses that they want.