I used to be a slight procrastinator. It was never bad enough that I didn't get my work done or was up all hours trying to finish on time; it was just that sometimes I would put tasks off that I knew I could be doing. Well, I recently had a baby (she's 2 1/2 months old now) and now I face the obstacle of immediacy. I try to finish everything all at once because I don't want to run out of time. I teach online and stay at home with my daughter. We are just now, in the last week or so, establishing a pattern or schedule of sorts but before that I never knew when she would be sleep or fussy so whenever she did sleep I would power grade or try to cram as many tasks in as I could during that time. I think I'm going to try list-making and see if that helps me pace myself better. Any other suggestions for my situation? All are welcome!